• Soviet Snake
    42 years ago

    Libs reading Chomsky: OMG HE SOO BASED! Libs when Chosmky says no war: 😡😡😡😡😡😡

  • @Sh3Rm4n
    2 years ago

    This article is strange: Does the headline even fit to the article?

    I don’t see any statement of Chomsky in the article, where he states why NATO should immediately disband.

    The first half is a brief fair criticism of military spendings of the USA and the second half a very brief explanation about the bush administration wanting Georgia and Ukraine to join NATO.

    It seems like the article just gave a quick overview of Chomsky’s talking points but neither goes into depth nor explains anything about Chomsky’s positions.

          • eisensteinium ☭
            12 years ago

            Because it’s an organisation dedicated to upholding capitalist imperialism and thus white supremacy. It was founded to combat communism and took a bunch of Nazis on board for that purpose.

        • @Sh3Rm4n
          22 years ago

          First of all: racism does not necessarily include fascism. That’s a little more in the extreme. Second this is about media being racist (which I agree is very bad and I was shocked about these reports as well in the beginning of the war)

          Third, what does this Twitter thread has to do with NATO?

          • @TheAnonymouseJoker
            -52 years ago

            Wait, racism does not include fascism? You know right what fascism means, do you? A lot of it is discrimination practiced on the entire society by social, economic and other means, and it is usually based on race, gender, caste and so on.

            Media is an extension of Western governments and corporations, where citizens live in these capitalist dictatorial societies without any power. Media says what they are told, not what they want to. They do not have freedom in West to say the correct thing that benefits and empowers the proletariat.

            Said Twitter thread has everything to do with NATO’s instructions given to puppet media, that encourages and bolsters xenophobia, racism and portrays Banderite descendant Nazis as heroes. Yes, that is legitimately called as fascist media.