Lol the fact they had to take the original and poorly photoshop in “racism” for their dishonest point to remotely stand is laughable.
Edit: is this actually the brain dead basketball player who’s trying to remain relevant by siding with Israel?
It’s the upstanding fellow who marketed these
Oh god it is that clown!!
Funnily enough, he got almost instant karma - just when he was finishing antagonising all people in his previous career and was on a forefront of the rising tide of yellow scare, US suddenly changed the primary target to Russia and he was left with his hand in the chamber pot.
Hahaha I did notice that he went from being front and centre in the press as propaganda but then Ukraine kicked off.
Nice to see a ghoul suffer. He still has his career though doesn’t he? 😔
Maybe he will rebrand himself again as Russia hater, but i see him mentioned way, way less than before.
Ask Anus Cancer for any official Chinese documents at all related to such a large organization.
That clown spouts all kinds of shit on Twitter without any consequences, is open about his connections to CIA and John Bolton, while Lebron is vilified by media and politicians when he doesn’t say things that fit the dominant narrative. Death to America!
Yoo never knew I was in the 50 cents gang
Wonder how he types while giving John Bolton a handie, more dexterity than he displayed with a basketball, that’s for sure
they are all named curtis