Delta Chat is a new chat app that sends messages via e-mails, encrypted if possible, with Autocrypt. You do not have to sign up anywhere, just use your existing e-mail account with Delta Chat.

  • Serge Tarkovski
    5 years ago

    Also, wondering about the following:

    • why the client is imitating WhatsApp?
    • why there’s no system tray on Linux and I can even remember a discussion that it’s not needed?
    • why the desktop app top menu looks like a menu of a foreign wrapper?
    • adbenitez
      2 years ago

      why there’s no system tray on Linux and I can even remember a discussion that it’s not needed?

      it is an old reply, but for the new readers: system tray was implemented time ago, the desktop version has improved a lot,

      why the client is imitating WhatsApp?

      it is not imitating WhatsApp in particular but a messenger app, and that is the whole point of the project, being a “chat by e-mail” app, a new approach to managing and displaying email, if you prefer the classic inbox clients then just use them, you don’t have to use Delta Chat to communicate with other Delta Chat users the same way you don’t have to use Thunderbird just because your peers do