• @k_o_tM
    4 years ago

    well, great :/

    first Telegram, then Protonmail and now Tutanota…

    and this is not counting the thousands of other smaller websites/services that have been blocked for virtually no reason

    • @AgreeableLandscapeOP
      4 years ago

      I remember an article saying that the Russian government wants to create their own Wikipedia.

      Filled with objective and publicly reviewable information, surely.

      • @k_o_tM
        24 years ago

        Hm, could you link an article? This sounds interesting (at least in terms of just seeing what’s going to come out of it), because I really doubt that they’re going to implement public editing…

  • @dreamland
    14 years ago

    I remember some simpleton arguing with me about democracy in Russia vs France. I bet Tutanota is not blocked in France. Blah. But the yellow vests! Some people just don’t see the big picture. Sometimes an absence of protests is not a good sign.

    Russia has not had a truly democratic culture in ages. Can they embrace democracy in a more real way moving forward? Yes. Is Russia today more democratic than France? Not a chance.

    Remember people: democracy means shared power. That’s what it really means.

    • @AgreeableLandscapeOP
      34 years ago

      People actually think that modern France is less democratic than modern Russia? What?