Sadly election results prove every few years, that you are the only one seeking radical change.
~30-50% want extreme conservativism/capitalism. ~20-40% want everything as-is.
~30% want mild improvements like a really low UBI.
<5% want to get rid of oligarchs.
<.1% want to eliminate suffering.Have you talked to people? They’re pretty insufferable.
I have talked to people. That’s how I’ve found fellow socialists at work, alongside some others who are increasingly (and surprisingly) critical of capitalism and systematic issues affecting them.
Obviously culture changes from place to place, I don’t know your circumstances, but I expected my workplace to be especially conservative.
I was surprised how few people I work with are Republicans. Yeah it’s a union shop but it’s still hard to find in manufacturing. It may just be that they keep their mouths shut to avoid being outed, I don’t know.
Maybe. It could also be just a general aversion of politics in the workplace, it’s usually not a good place to start (non-work related) political fights.
Actually politics are pretty well discussed here, especially because of our current situation in the economy, plus talks of moving to Mexico.
Yeah, most people I’ve met are like that.
It’s everything else I ca t stand.
Someone in that thread you linked to posted this short video, I think it’s worth a watch: There are more communists than you think!
in turkey there are 400 thousand communists that always vote for minority parties and a fuck load more that vote for other parties because minority parties have no chance
This is in an extremely conservative country and you might see through that USA, Germany, Britain and alike have a higher percentage of such population
Alles was fehlt damit die Revolution in Gang kommt, ist, dass jemand den ersten Schritt tut
Ja dann mach ma’
FUCK it’s too real
I feel seen
Crypto-communism is a secret support for, or admiration of, communism.
As in communists who hide their ideology