
Article is in Italian.

Famous privacy blog Le Alternative (! here on Lemmy) was de-indexed from Bing and from all Bing-dependent search engines, including DuckDuckGo. At the moment it is impossible to search for their useful articles and the reason for this de-indexing is unknown. The owner of the blog is still trying to find out the reason for this removal.

  • whititobebeOP
    2 years ago

    My source was this paragraph, I don’t know if they are all from DDG, but I tried and some are the same:

    !! external bangs

    SearXNG supports the external bangs from ddg. To directly jump to a external search page use the !! prefix. To give an example:

    search wikipedia by a custom language

      !!wfr Wau Holland

    Please note, your search will be performed directly in the external search engine, SearXNG cannot protect your privacy on this.