The Punk Rock MBA crosses over into gaming with his video about Guitar Hero.

  • @poVoq
    1 year ago

    deleted by creator

  • Ninmi
    2 years ago

    Great video. One other thing I’d like to mention is how Neversoft botched the game engine of the series. On top of not being up to speed with the culture of the music, they weren’t up to speed with how a rhythm game should technically behave.

    Newer players starting from GH3 never knew any better, but GH3 made the hit windows ridiculously large and hits (the little notes go up in flames as you hit them) would visually register only at the hit line no matter what, intead of when you actually hit the note. This made it visually difficult to keep track of what you were actually hitting.

    The notecharts and song selection deteriorated significantly as well. GH1, GH2 and GH80s placed great importance in getting songs that had actually interesting guitar tracks, not just songs that were popular. GH3 on the other opted to chart bass lines and other instruments in an attempt to make the game more interesting as only a portion of the songs were actually good fit for the game.

    Overall, to someone who was already grinding expert difficulty by the time GH3 came out, the game was a big let down and Rock Band was the true successor on the franchise.