• Sr Estegosaurio
    62 years ago

    That’s cool. But keep care bc that’s an easy way to start a fire if it not builded well

    • @pingveno
      42 years ago

      Yeah, fires in encampments of homeless people have become pretty common here in Portland. That said, it’s mostly from open campfires spreading so this would at least be an improvement. Having any improvement in fire safety would be very welcome.

    • down daemon
      32 years ago

      always be careful, but they’re specifically made to avoid that, and it seems hard to fuck up too much

      • Sr Estegosaurio
        22 years ago

        Yeah I read and that feature is quite useful plus it makes them way more secure

      • @pingveno
        12 years ago

        Yeah, it looks to me like the worst you could do would melt the bottom of a tent. Not great, but better than the regular blazes.