My mom has a business and mostly uses Windows and Mac OS X; I mentioned Linux because it could help save money.

She is unfamiliar with Linux though; I gave her some basic introduction (uncertain if it’s any good, but sure), but I would like to be able to ease her into Linux if she prefers it.

  • zksmk
    3 years ago

    She can test out different distros in her browser on

    Really though, if she’s just gonna use it for text processing, web browsing and emailing it’s more about the DE than the distro.

    Mint, Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Elementary, Fedora… should all be good choices.

    I think it’s most important to teach her about the differences, no more exes, but instead repo, debs, appimages, flatpaks, and stuff like that. Watching those recent Linus videos might give you good insight in what differences might confuse her.