• auth
    1311 months ago

    We need a new leaker…

  • @Bobert@sh.itjust.works
    711 months ago

    I mean that’s kind of a given if you’re at all familiar with IT. Check out the ANT Catalog and see what they were capable of in 2008-09. It’s scary now, let alone then. Check out EternalBlue and realize when combined with IrateMonk (a damn firmware hack) they could have any system they wanted. I mean the ANT Catalog is chock full of devices specifically designed to get through air gapped networks. And this was in 2009!

    If the NSA or CIA want your digital lunch it’s been on their plate the moment they decided.

  • @SR2017
    511 months ago

    Of course it is. Its been 9 years and now a days normal people have access to some of the most advanced trackers around. Imagine what the government and companies such as Apple, Google and Microsoft are able to do with their access to data.

  • @bernard@lemmy.film
    211 months ago

    The price of freedom is eternal vigilance which in this case means staying up on and switching up your tech stack constantly. The solutions are generally straightforward, but the implementations are seemingly too difficult for most. With digital, self host everything you can and use FOSS everywhere you can. With physical, pay cash and leave as few footsteps and facial images as you can.