• nutomicA
    3 years ago

    It might be hard to believe today, but humans lived for millenia without any cars. Sure they are necessary in many places now, but that will probably change drastically after peak oil is reached (because renewables can never provide enough energy to power electric cars for everyone).

    • jazzfes
      3 years ago

      I didn’t phrase this correctly. My point wasn’t that cars are needed in a general way.

      My point was that most people, as of today have some dependency on cars, whether they like it or not. People by large have not been involved in the Urban Design decisions that shaped the cities in the last 100 years or so.

      I further want to add that even if more people would decide to go without a car (and I believe that this in many countries is actually what is happening), the impact on global warming would be minimal.

      Also I think you are correct in saying that the current way of using cars will change in the future drastically.

      So in summary, if we care to put effort into avoiding the worst of climate change, we need to address the areas where the damage is done, which is industry. As I stated above, we haven’t done this in the last 40 years and I feel that the “personal responsibility” approach was something that actually caused significant problems and side tracked meaningful action.