If I ever make it to the point where I have a removedin’ deck overlooking some fine wilderness then you’re damn right I’m gonna piss off it.
I’m curious what word you tried to use. I didn’t think “fuck” was filtered on dot ml.
Does ml auto-censor posts for mildly spicy language or something?
Anything that could be remotely considered a slur.
Not swears, just slurs
Including the literal scientific name for a female dog. .ml is a joke.
I mean, I can think of plenty of slurs with innocuous origins. It’s about how they’re used.
I’m tempted to start a community about the country between Chad and Mali… A nice wholesome community… I’m completely unqualified and know nothing about it but the amount of removed words would be amusing…
I hope you have better luck than I did with my community about Scunthorpe
True, though “removedin’” isn’t used as a slur in this context, it’s slang for “cool.” Since like 1970 too, it isn’t some “new rizz.”
If we want to get technical, a slur is “A disparaging remark; an aspersion.” So by the dictionary, any negative remark, especially one that is a false or damaging accusation or insinuation, is “a slur.” Therefore “you are a silly goose” counts as a slur, as it can be contextually negative to be seen as silly, and it is false to insinuate that you are a water fowl.
We don’t really treat the word “slur” in real life as it’s definition would suggest, or to reign in my above joke a bit, words like “fuckface” or “dick” would commonly be considered a slur. Instead they’re just considered negative remarks by the community at large, to be a “slur” in the eyes of the public (not the dictionary) it has to have something more than just “bad.”
I posit that “removed” is truly no different than those common “bad” words, and should not be considered a slur. Frankly, same for “cunt.”
So do they consider the use or no?
No, it’s automatic based on a filter list. I wonder if it accounts for other languages though.
Haven’t read their policy – simply saying origin is a useless way to determine whether or not something is a slur.
The newest example being “DEI”
I’m sorry have y’all not seen racists using that as a slur lately? Saw a dude refer to Baltimore’s “DEI mayor” the other day
I have not?
Sorry, but… “scientific”?
I think you give the nannies at .ml too much credit.
Female dog probably
Fuckin’ for sure.
Nah, they don’t filter “fuck”
The word is “removedin’”
Y’all are some of the most anti-control people around, and then… use an instance that heavily censors the naughty words you can say.
It’s weird how that works huh? Wouldn’t wanna upset anybodies fee fees
Not sure why you’re so triggered? That wasn’t even close to the point of my comment…
…what’re you talking about?
Not wanting to hurt peoples fee fees is why Lemmy.Ml censors stuff.
Ironically, censorship offends me and hurts the feelings of the censored. And no this isn’t me lamenting that “we can no longer say it,” I’ve been going on tirades against censorship since Tipper Gore got a boner for The Dead Kennedys and H. R. Giger. Fuck the PMRC, fuck the RIAA, fuck Jesse Helms, fuck censorship!
A lot of .ml’s moderation is pretty ironic
Dumbass, pay attention.
Recommendation: self censor or ditch that instance!
I like our admin TheDude - responsive, knowledgeable, competent.
Screenshot of this thread
what the hell did he do to piss off a deck ? did he expose it to the sun without regular maintenance ?
He didn’t apply carbon-fiber stucco lathe to his foundation
Man who piss into wind, gets wet.
“I see,” said the blind man, pissing into the wind. “It’s all coming back to me now.”
”I see," said the blind carpenter, as he picked up his hammer and saw.
“I see,” said the blind man
to his deaf dog
who was sitting on the corner of the round table
on the third floor of their two-story building.“I see” said the woman, staring at the ceiling, realizing the frozen ice rink was more slippery than she thought.
Man who make mistake on elevator, wrong on many levels
Ok, I didn’t get it when I thought they meant not making the deck angry, and I still don’t get what I’m supposed to be seeing here.
The footprints in the snow that show he was still pissing off the deck.
My only question is why does she care?
Maybe she doesn’t want her deck to smell like piss
Or the plants to die. Large shrubs can be expensive to replace.
Ok, just piss in the corner then.
I finally stopped peeing off the porch when I killed 2 rose bushes. Now I walk 2 steps off the porch and kill the grass
I know… it’s pretty much written into marriage vows, “till death do us part or one of us stops pissing from the deck”. She needs to fulfill her duties and start joining him at night on the deck
He is pissing off the deck. And no the ground won’t start smelling like piss from that lol
Depends where the last few drops go.
You’d have to have quite a lot of last few drops to smell up the place. Or some ridiculously potent piss.
Have you ever seen a public urinal?
No of course not. Please elaborate. Do they get similar amounts of users or something else that’s comparable?
Not if he does it every night. A few drops after a few weeks is a fair bit and wood soaks up liquid pretty good.
Wood for an outside deck isn’t going to be soaking up much liquid, or the deck would turn to shit after a couple rainstorms. It’s probably pressure treated
I’m now imagining him getting bottles of concentrated piss and pouring it off the deck in the middle of the night to deter predators.
I imagine there’s a racoon hiding underneath the boards, just lying there with its mouth open, waiting
Why the deck mad, bro?
What did you do to make it so angry?
That’s his land. He can piss on it if he wants. He’s just marking his territory.
It’s their land
But hey wife bad amirite?
Maybe it’s her land, or both of theirs.
Then she should be pissing on it, too. It’s only fair.
Had a neighbor who would piss on his front bush like a fucking cat.
You could tell where because of the dead spot in the shape of piss trickle
That chair could do with a sand and a nice coat of paint.
I think it’s fabric, not wood.
On the left? It’s not wood
I mean, at least he’s house-trained.
Urea works as a fertilizer!
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If you want to use urine as a fertilizer it should be diluted and spread out.
But anyway, a quick Google search says urine ranges from 4 to 8 pH. Unless you’re peeing in the same spot every day I highly doubt it would be much of a problem.
I pour milk on top of it no worries
Sounds delicious
Jizz is protein. The plants will be swole!
A family friend shared 2 problems she’s been dealing with since moving into her house:
- The ground is all clay so it’s impossible to grow anything without bringing in a crapload of dirt
- The septic has an issue and has to be pumped every 3 weeks
I pointed out that clearly they need to be using the septic to fertilize the flower beds to solve both problems but for some reason she didn’t like that idea…
What kind of issue would require you to pump your septic every 3 weeks? Taco bell?
That’s a damn good question that I do not have an answer to. I don’t speak with this person at all, and this was the first time my wife had spoken to them in years so we may never know
The effluent filling up the leach field, then the tank, then the house, due to the surrounding clay preventing it from draining quickly enough.
If go outside there is no need to wash your hands, tis is natural.
Proof that most humans haven’t developed one bit in the past million years
Ever since man has become bipedal we have strived to piss off high points. Whomst are you to deny us the ways of our forefathers?
One would think we could stop that, now that astronauts have pissed on the Moon itself.
It is not a conquest of mankind but of individuals.
They had decks on their houses 1mil years ago?
I mean, yeah? Early homo (erectus, habilis) were known for building things with natural materials, so it’s not inconcievable that they built huts and had decks for their huts.
Yeah sorry not finding any evidence of that.
Yeah. I definitely said “multi-story” didn’t I? Curse my selective amnesia.
I guess it’s completely inconceivable that our tool wielding ancestors felled trees and built huts raised from the forest floor. Inconceivable.
I don’t engage with trolls arguing in bad faith, except to tell them to fuck off :)
Lolololol no u.
They actually sorta kinda have… a LOT. The whole transition to being farmers and stuff? Not only that, though, lots of stuff has been going on in and around our nuclei.
Source/Further Reading: No, Humans Have Not Stopped Evolving | Scientific American
Show me a single deck that even existed more than a few thousand years ago.
I can’t imagine what kind of a trash human just pisses all over his own yard like a dog. Talk about having no regard for even your own home and any pride for it.
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lol, this guy again.
One that cares about the environment and doesn’t want to waste water but wants to fertilize the land.
You sound fun
I don’t piss in my own yard where my kids play yeah, that’s so white trash bullshit
Why bring skin color into this?
It’s so unfair only kids get to piss there