Seriously, I cannot believe the amount of racist, sexist, and overall just shitty things that are said. I just played an FPS for the first time in a while (CSGO) and Jesus christ.

Just makes it not fun lol. Maybe I’m too sensitive

  • I remember NonCompete making a series on gamer chuds like Pewdiepie being a pipeline to the far right, starting with “anti-sjw edgy/racist/sexist humour” and funneling them along.

    Quite telling that pdp unfollowed all of the far right pieces of shit on twitter in the aftermath of the 2019 mass killings in NZ.

    The worst of the gamer types are usually those heavily into FPS/military games.

      • Chay
        1 year ago

        IIRC he did many rather far-right things, such as mentioning the black sun once and his community just hopped on it saying “he’s one of us” such as Another instance of this was him doing an apology video in a suit which had the iron cross

        Edit: Oh and the part where he paid two people of color to hold up a sign that said “Death to all jews”, of course his community swept it under the rug of “you cannot understand his humor/irony” etc.

          111 year ago

          There was also that white supremacist shooter who went “subscribe to PewDiePie” before the massacre. Many fans try to say he’s apologized and changed but I have a very hard time believing that. I used to watch him when I was younger (during his horror days) but stopped after his first racist incident came out (dropping the N slur that people tried excusing as a heated gamer moment).

    1 year ago

    Don’t play shooters and other solely pvp competitive games, that’s first thing. They always were and will be complete cesspools. Other genres are usually better.

    • @TeezyZeezy@lemmygrad.mlOP
      121 year ago

      It’s just sad because I like competitive pvp a lot, mainly because when I was younger I used to play a lot and was super nerdy and good at them and now I’m not. It’s a nostalgia thing.

      • I used to play World of Tanks and Warships, and it induced rage in me, something i rarily feel in other games. So i do somewhat understand the people going crazy in the chat, but it’s just the nature of those games. While i usually scoff at the “ban games” nonsense, pvp action games definitely should be at least restricted if not outright banned, instead the socialist government should promote cooperative games.

        • commiespammer
          91 year ago

          I loved and still love wot, wows, and wowp. I was always so confused why everyone on the forums were so mad all the time.

          • Idk about everyone but at least polish guys are 90% wehraboos and were constantly angry that superior german steel is in fact, not superior but balanced. And when wot introduced tank decals they looked at soviet ones and pandemonium ensued.

    • But Capitalists said that competition will improve the moral characters of people. In fact, the conservative Western European diaspora embrace a culture of delinquency and senseless violence that promote victim blaming with the belief that deliquency in schools will improve the moral character of children despite their punishment and public slanders towards disabled students and people of colors for alleged ‘deliquency’ (which are actually legal and ethical self-defense).

    201 year ago

    You’re not too sensitive. Gamers are incredibly reactionary and offensive and it’s gotten worse I think. You always had “edgy” guys saying basic misogynistic things and racist things but now they have influencers and streamers giving them this whole racist, misogynistic logic and rationale for it.

    • @TeezyZeezy@lemmygrad.mlOP
      41 year ago

      Glad to have the validation, thank you.

      What sparked this post was a guy last night in game chat of a CSGO game literally typing hard r n-word, along with (there was a guy with an accent in the game - not sure exactly where from) “oh Jesus, another foreigner”

      Maybe it’s gotten worse, maybe we just notice it more because we aren’t that and have grown up past that

    171 year ago

    Hence why I don’t play online games. Single player only.

    Also, you’re not “too sensitive” comrade, those people on those types of places are vile.

    • @TeezyZeezy@lemmygrad.mlOP
      91 year ago

      I like me some single player but I’ve always liked the pvp and just interacting with randoms (when they’re not assholes or racists lmao)

    161 year ago

    I do not, and will not, ever, play online pvp games. It’s not fun. Ppl get angry and aggressive no matter what country/ethnicity etc they are. Some societies might be less shitty as western gammer assholes but it’s still bad.

    Co-op games at least, typically have a “work together” mentality. The Monster Hunter community has probably one of the best online user base I have played with and it’s basically the only multiplayer game I play anymore. One of the biggest reasons? You don’t have to have to communicate very much. lol

  • 小莱卡
    151 year ago

    I want to believe it’s just a vocal minority but goddamn is it hard. I used to play way too much mobas and fps, still game a lot but i stopped playing competitive games, i don’t really talk to my old group of gamer friends because they haven’t grown up at all.

    • @TeezyZeezy@lemmygrad.mlOP
      51 year ago

      Right? There’s still so much shit talk and disgusting stuff on there

      I really miss competitive gaming and still like it but it’s just not the same now with being older and seeing all the bigotry as a marxist instead of a 12 year old

  • and guess why i only stick to singleplayers and co-op/friends-only multiplayers, if i absolutely must play a multiplayer game

    and i wouldn’t call being disgusted by chauvinistic nonsense as “being too sensitive”; as it only reinforces chauvinistic viewpoints. it only makes sense for someone who doesn’t like chauvinism or have viewpoints like “maybe we shouldn’t treat each other differently based on our race/gender” or “maybe they deserve rights too” to not like chauvinistic remarks, even if made “as a joke”.

    i bet you 9/10 times they’d be the ones to freak out hard if you as much as poke fun or make a joke about them, the average gamer.

    • @TeezyZeezy@lemmygrad.mlOP
      101 year ago

      Makes sense to me. I love multi-player, but its getting harder to enjoy ever since I grew up a bit and started recognizing how disgusting some of these people can be.

      I wonder how this is handled in other cou tries that aren’t obsessed with hate freeze peach

      • alunyanneгs 🏳️‍⚧️♀️
        1 year ago

        i feel like you can still enjoy multiplayer if you’re playing with people you know; as opposed to just strangers. you can’t tell if they’d be horrible people or the nicest people you’ll ever meet in a game, but with friends there’s at least some clarity.

        as for how other countries handle this, somehow i feel like even in countries like the PRC it would be no different; what with a chinese comrade saying how fascist/hateful nonsense gets passed around on the chinese internet liberally (pun intended)

  • As someone who is multiple minorities this is why I ultimately quit anything multiplayer, people are just too bigoted and hateful to be fucking real. MMOs suffer from this hard, and I got to witness a lot of bullying and doxxing hitting people IRL, due to my experiences when someone calls themselves a gamer now I assume all the worst of them.

  • Soviet Snake
    131 year ago

    Well, I’m not sure how it’s the US/European CSGO community but here in South America you will be hearing Argentinians and Brazilians insulting at each other, or Brazilians who are constantly insulting each other, listening to music super loudly, and shit like that, but yeah, you didn’t pick exactly the game with the best fan base. Don’t play TF2 also, then.

    • 小莱卡
      81 year ago

      Thats competitive games in general, they bring the worst out of people.

      • Soviet Snake
        31 year ago

        Yeah well but generrally they have something that kind of limits that kind of behaviour, like no voice chat or that kind of stuff. Here you kind of have a free pass to anything.

  • There are multiple possibile sources of the violence. For white people who want to preserve their colonial savage culture which might culturally influence gamers of color as well, the Western European diaspora need a way to satisfy their savage impulses after they lost their child enslavement in Indian Residential fake Schools of North America and Australia from 1850s to 1998 (the fake school enslavement could still continue longer in secret) that later became the Nazi death camps. The free riding racist European diaspora could not enslave refugees of color in large number so the racist white parasites who want to continue their parasitism need violent competitive games to express their agreesive savage culture. For a second source, it could be from the sense of ability to evade responsibility from the ability to conceal real life identity. For a third source, it may be from the competitive nature of games that for-profit firm intensify in the game design to increase temptation for purchase of in-game items.

    • @KeavesSharpi
      01 year ago

      OP: “online games have toxic chat”


        • @KeavesSharpi
          111 months ago

          No, I was saying that you did. But I see that missing the one word ‘who’ made me misconstrue your meaning. “For white people who want to preserve their colonial…” as opposed to “white people want to preserve their colonial…” It was a failure of my reading comprehension.

    1 year ago

    I agree, it fucking sucks, these companies do nothing to fix the rampant bigotry running through these games besides implementing completely teethless word bans in text chat (not saying that slurs shouldn’t be autobanned by a bot, just that they also need to hire mods to read through the text of games and listen to voice chats)

  • @KeavesSharpi
    21 year ago

    play star citizen. totally different experience.