Looking for a normie KDE distro that works out of the box and is stable without issues.

  • @blackstrat@lemmy.fwgx.uk
    644 months ago

    Kubuntu is most normie. Its just Ubuntu but with KDE instead of Gnome. KDE Neon has the latest KDE but the update process is a mess so I can’t recommend it.

    Personally I use EndeavourOS with KDE and find it very easy. Updates are literally just typing yay. But I understand that Arch based distros aren’t for everyone.

    • @ghen@sh.itjust.works
      4 months ago

      I’m using kubuntu right now. Test it out fedora for about 3 hours before I ran into a bug and went back to the KUbuntu hard drive. Normie means it just works, or at the very least googling the answer leads to good solutions. Only ubuntu has that

    • @Jayb151@lemmy.world
      54 months ago

      I find that endeavor is pretty nice as someone who typically uses windows…I just can’t wrap my head around not having a GUI for software installs. Like, I want to install jellyfish, but when I search for it, there were like 30 different ones to choose. Installed a package that I don’t want, where do I go to find the exact name of the package and then uninstall?

      It was enough to send me to kubuntu, which is what’s on my laptop now. Basically only use the laptop for the web too, so likely no reason to change anything up.

  • @bdonvr@thelemmy.club
    424 months ago

    OpenSUSE Tumbleweed, great KDE defaults - up to date - stable. Does things a bit differently than most distros but it’s pretty easy to get used to.

  • jan teli
    4 months ago

    Fedora kde spin, kubuntu (ubuntu but with kde), kde neon (kde’s distro). I’ve never used neon or kubuntu as a daily driver (just when I was looking for a distro) although they are supposed to be quite good, but I use fedora gnome as a daily driver and fedora kde should be fairly similar. You can also use distrochooser to find a distro that suits.

    • @Molten_Moron@lemmings.world
      14 months ago

      Well, judging by the fact that it gave me my favorite (and current (Mint)) distro on the first try, I’ll say this tool is pretty solid lol

    • @banazir
      84 months ago

      I’ve been using this for a few months now. It’s really good. A normie might want to look in to Slowroll though for extra stability. Is Slowroll even out yet?

  • Teon
    214 months ago

    I highly recommend Kubuntu. I don’t use any snaps though. And I always install the LTS version. Been using it for over a dozen years.

    • @cevn@lemmy.world
      14 months ago

      Same. I just keep my head down when the distro wars start, but it’s so easy to fix, never wiped it for like at least 10 years.

    • Atemu
      04 months ago

      I don’t use any snaps though.

      Oh sweet summer child…

  • ReCursing
    184 months ago

    I’m using Manjaro because SuSE Tubleweed didn’t want to install that day. People like to hate on Manjaro but I honestly don’t know why - the defaults are fine and I very rarely have issues despite using software from the AUR

      • ReCursing
        84 months ago

        It has been 442d 15h 07m 53s since Manjaro !$%&?*# up.

        So a year and a half? That’s not all that bad really. And that time it was a (admittedly bloody stupid) cock up involving the SSL certificate of their website not of the distro itself

        • @null@slrpnk.net
          -34 months ago

          Sure, maybe they’re better now, but this long list is why the reputation stuck.

          That and EndeavourOS exists

          • @maness300@lemmy.world
            44 months ago

            I don’t have any issues with the complaints often mentioned about Manjaro.

            Linux Mint, on the other hand, once got hacked and hosted malware on their website :(

            But I’m sure you’re as quick to tell people about that as you are to tell people about Manjaro.

            • @null@slrpnk.net
              -74 months ago

              But I’m sure you’re as quick to tell people about that as you are to tell people about Manjaro.

              Why would I tell people about something I’ve never heard of before? Go shove your snide attitude up your ass.

              Also pretty disingenuous to compare a single incident of being hacked with a pattern of sloppiness and negligence.

              • @maness300@lemmy.world
                4 months ago

                Well, you’ve heard about it now so I fully expect you to take up the crusade like you have against manjaro, unless you’re biased/tribalist.

                Also pretty disingenuous to compare a single incident of being hacked with a pattern of sloppiness and negligence.

                No it’s not, lol. Being infected with malware is worse than anything the Manjaro team has done. If you disagree, then you’re just not worth taking seriously.

                Let’s be honest though, you’re not worth taking seriously because you just do what you think will make you look good in front of your peers.

                • @null@slrpnk.net
                  4 months ago

                  If you thinking getting hacked once is comparable to a multi-year pattern of being clearly negligent and sloppy, then there’s not much hope for you.

          • ReCursing
            24 months ago

            Also I’ve just actually looked at EndeavourOS’ website and it says very clearly front and centre that it’s focused on the terminal, which is entirely not what OP was even asking for. It might be a fine distro, I don’t know, I’ve never used it or checked how many years it is since they cocked up, but it doesn’t present itself as a KDE focused distro which is what OP (and I) want!

            • @maness300@lemmy.world
              54 months ago

              I keep saying that’s what turns me off from endeavor as a Manjaro user.

              That, and it seems like all the people suggesting it don’t really have their minds grounded in reality.

              A lot of them legitimately believe Arch is a sufficient replacement for Manjaro, and that just tells me they aren’t worth taking seriously.

              There’s a lot of 🧩 in the FOSS space, and I think we should acknowledge it for what it is instead of putting it on a pedestal.

            • @null@slrpnk.net
              24 months ago

              That must be why it ships with a GUI installer, that can install any of the popular DEs and WMs…

          • ReCursing
            14 months ago

            Or maybe you just have a weird bee in your bonnet about something that’s not even really a problem as evidenced from your own numbers

              • ReCursing
                14 months ago

                You also unwittingly showed why it doesn’t deserve it

                • @null@slrpnk.net
                  4 months ago

                  Why? Because after a series of negligent incidents spanning multiple years, a couple of which impacted the AUR for everyone they’ve gone a year and a bit without another major incident?

                  Again, EndeavourOS exists – all Manjaro does for you is hold back packages making things unstable.

  • Yuumi
    184 months ago

    I think fedora kde is the one you should go with.

    If you go with kubuntu you’ll be using snaps by default (which can be removed entirely with some tweaking) and they aren’t actually good (as with the recent steam issues)

  • @narc0tic_bird@lemm.ee
    134 months ago

    Rolling release: openSUSE Tumbleweed Semi-annual release: Fedora KDE Spin LTS: Kubuntu (3 years), Debian (5 years), AlmaLinux (10 years)

    I personally think semi-annual is where it’s at. You get packages that are mostly up-to-date (and with Flatpak user-facing software is up-to-date anyway), and you don’t have to fear that something will break/be incompatible with every small update.

    • @xtapa@feddit.de
      84 months ago

      I’m running TW and it’s great. If you don’t want a rolling release, OpenSUSE created Slowroll, that is supposed to release major updates every one or two months, which would probably be my go to if I were to start over.

      • @rambaroo@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        Slowroll is experimental and it’s still a rolling release that tracks tumbleweed. It might be less maintenance, but not necessarily more stable in terms of bugs. I’ve seen some people report pretty major issues with it in the last couple months.

        Leap is the version you want if stability is your priority. You can even get the tumbleweed nvidia driver if you have an Nvidia card and want the latest driver. The only os I’ve used that was more stable than leap was debian. But Leap is much more flexible than Debian.

        • @N0x0n
          24 months ago

          Yep ! From the official documentation of tumbleweed

          Who should use openSUSE Leap instead of Tumbleweed?

          While every effort is made to build them, at this point there is no guarantee to have all additional modules available in openSUSE Tumbleweed like for example, VMware or VirtualBox. And while the Packman Tumbleweed Essential repository attempts to deliver them there is no guarantee they will always succeed due to the incompatibilities with the quickly advancing Linux kernel. The problems with proprietary graphics drivers are similar and there is no guarantee they will work tomorrow, even if they do today. If you don’t know how to compile your own additional kernel modules and you don’t wish to learn or keep a very close eye on what is being up dated, please don’t use Tumbleweed.


        • @xtapa@feddit.de
          24 months ago

          I wasn’t sure about the state of Slowroll. In terms of stability, Tumbleweed ist absolutely fine. It’s the less frequent, but not super low frequent update cycle that’s interesting to me. I could always just ignore updates on TW, but I’ve got the urge to run the updates if there are any.

    • @leopold@lemmy.kde.social
      14 months ago

      Kubuntu is also semi-annual, but LTS releases only come every two years. Regular releases have a year and a half of support.

    • Fin
      4 months ago

      stable or unstable?

      • @Adanisi@lemmy.zip
        24 months ago

        I use stable but if you need more up to date software not in backports unstable would be better suited. Neither are really “unstable”.

  • @IrritableOcelot@beehaw.org
    114 months ago

    You’re going to get a million answers, mostly people saying to use which distro they’re currently using. In my experience, KDE works just fine on any distro that allows you to install it out of the box, so I would choose based on other attributes of the distro, such as:

    • Package manager: which are you used to?
    • Update cycle: KDE 6 is out soon, so you want something which updates often enough to get it fairly quickly (at least semiannual).
    • Stability: unless you want to have to manually maintain your system and learn how it works, avoid arch and arch-based distros. I have run it, its fine, but it’s not “normie”, and unless you really know what you’re doing, daily driving it can be stressful. Manjaro has the same issues, but takes away some ability of the user to fix them.

    For instance, I personally like Debian and apt, but I would not recommend base Debian right now, since KDE 6 is about to come out and Debian will take a loooong time to get it. I have not personally used Kubuntu, but if it gets rid of any the bloat canonical has been adding to Ubuntu lately, it sounds pretty good to me.

    • comicallycluttered
      4 months ago

      Yeah, Kubuntu’s fine. It has some of the Snap stuff, but the “minimal install” greatly strips down unnecessary bullshit to the point where I even find vanilla Debian Plasma to be more bloated in comparison.

      I used Kubuntu for most of my time on Linux before switching to Debian. Still fully recommend it as a basically “plug and play” distro with a quick installer that works OOTB.

      There’s also a KDE-specific backports PPA which gets you new Plasma and Qt stuff fairly quickly, but that works best on regular releases rather than LTS releases. (The only issue is that, because it uses Launchpad, the Plasma updates can be super fucking slow to download, regardless of your network speed).

      Then again, if someone’s going to be using LTS versions only, there’s not really that much of a difference between it and Debian Stable in terms of DE updates.