Since there is no one ruling body or party

  • @southerntofu
    02 years ago

    Are you saying the queer/muslim massacres of Stalin are just a dream? That Trotsky’s political police was in fact throwing parties with the people they disappeared? Or that the labor camps were just a day spa for exhausted workers? I implore you to learn a modicum of history.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
      2 years ago

      This is not a terribly intelligent argument. Nobody claimed USSR was some perfect society, and I’m frankly not aware of any human societies where atrocities don’t happen. Humans do bad things regardless of what system they create. Thinking that anarchist society would be all ponies and rainbows is incredibly naive.

      What USSR should actually be judged on is whether the system overall was an improvement on how people lived previously. This is a fact that only a person who lacks any intellectual integrity would deny.