"@yausername put much effort into adding a fourth service to NewPipe: PeerTube. In case you do not know PeerTube, one can describe it as an open source decentralized video streaming platform.

NewPipe supports most of PeerTubes native features like searching, playing and downloading videos or reading comments. There is one structural point which differs PeerTube from all other so far supported services. Because PeerTube is decentralized, there are houndreds of instances available in the fediverse. We choose to use FramaTube as default instance, because the main organization behind PeerTube is the software developer Framasoft. NewPipe allows you to select the instances you like and add them to your personal list. You can switch between them seamlessly."

    • @LofenyyOPM
      34 years ago

      I know, right? I love the new direction the internet is going in, after so many years of mistreating users, we’re now starting to create new sites that are actually competing with the giants! I hear Mastodon has been kicking Twitters butt on an international scale and has made it into the news a few times!

      • @k_o_t
        14 years ago

        it is? while activity pub projects are certainly gaining tranction, aren’t they still representative of a really tiny fraction of all users?