Please help me find it.

Edit: Found the video, but let’s use this thread to compile his other videos.

    -33 years ago

    This is one of those cases where if you disagree with him or his methods, that’s cool, you’re free to critique. but if your critique is about him concealing his identity, please just shut the fuck up.

    He also actively silences communist parties that don’t toll the IdPol line, Caleb Maupin and InfraRed though. All mention of them is banned from subs he mods so it’s not just a case of criticising his methods.

    He actively pushes out communists that don’t dress like terrorists out of the movement (communists much more heavily based in theory than himself)

    Also I do have to laugh at the reaction to this when I found out today that he was doxxed as a lawyer that evicted families.

    But to be fair, that should be expected from a dengist that thinks markets are achtually the proles friends and that China has perfected Marxism.

    Also hilarious he unironically he posted this.

    • loathesome dongeater
      63 years ago

      He did say that he didn’t help in evicting families though of course it is near impossible to find out whether it is the truth or not.