Please help me find it.

Edit: Found the video, but let’s use this thread to compile his other videos.

      -23 years ago

      With all due respect, his “content” was telling proles that “actually markets are their friends” and that China had perfected Marxism

      Now, given the cold war against China I’m not particularly against China getting popular amongst Dengoids or the youth in the West. But the guy was involved in deplatforming Communist parties as well as Maupin and Haz from subs he owned because of IdPol.

      I would have nothing but positive vibes to the guy if he A) wasn’t a complete prick and B) wasn’t evicting families in his dayjob as a corporate lawyer and C) organised in deplatforming actual decent Marxists (the Dengism notwithstanding) that dressed respectably and didn’t look like terrorists

        53 years ago

        As far as I know, he has not made any blanket statements to the effect of “markets are your friends” or that “China has perfected Marxism”. He has talked about Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, which is specifically Marxism Leninism as it applies to the material conditions of China, and involves the controlled use of markets in order to develop China’s economy quickly enough to survive. Unless he has changed his tune significantly since I last watched him, he has not claimed that Socialism with Chinese Characteristics was applicable everywhere.

        As for the other stuff, I honestly don’t know anything about that. Can you provide links to information on that so that I can properly understand the claims being made and the evidence provided?