For fucks sake, lately it seems /c/worldnews is just like /r/worldnews, every stupid insignificant thing that happens in the US gets a shitty post here. Could you think twice about posting anything US/Europe related thing? I’m not saying there shouldn’t be any news regarding these places but some times it’s really stupid.

Why should I care if republicans win over there? I dont fuckig care. Why should I give a flying fuck if Trump gets his fucking Twitter account back? I honestly couldn’t care less what fascist shit Usonian politicans post on that proprietary network. Why should I care that the UK pigs are one of the worst repressive organs in the world?

I could go on, the thing is that if you want to post shit about the US, do it in a community regarding the US, unless that news could be of interest to the rest of the world. For example if the US creates a new war or participates in a coup d’etat (and they do it pretty often), that could be of interest to the rest of the world, if not, post it somewhere else. Try to think it this way, would you care to know something similar to what you’re going to post if that would be happening in an African country? Or in a Latin American country? If the answer is no, then don’t do it.

Please let’s try and make Lemmy a place that’s not Reddit, we don’t need to be so Usocentric/Eurocentric, even if it’s hard.

  • @nutomicA
    13 years ago

    How can we make the federated Lemmy more seamless? The in message community mentioning syntax, for instance, could use refinement

    You mean the syntax for @community and @user? Agree, that definitely needs improvement.

    How can we support different languages better?

    This should help

    Is it possible to avoid the space for radicles that comes with federated platforms while still maintaining the values that a federation stands for?

    Hard to say, I think this is something where individual instances might differ a lot.

    Working out minor quirks that lower trust, like the 502 page when logging out, randomly being logged out until you reload, no css occasionally, and the free .ml domain for the flagship instance

    Please open issues in lemmy-ui with details about these bugs. Btw is not the flagship instance.

    can we offer reddit import?

    Its easy enough to write a script which imports things through the Lemmy API. But I dont see any reason to integrate an import feature directly in Lemmy.

    can we make a compelling offer for everyone

    Not everyone is going to like Lemmy, and thats okay.

    can we have an attractive landing page

    Again, best open issues in the joinlemmy repo.

    One final note, I have a tad bit of experience in rust and have read the book. I might be interested in seeing if I can help out at all? if you need it that is (My schedule is super wonky)

    There are plenty of things to work on, so if you see something interesting on the issue tracker, why not give it a try. Feel free to ask in Matrix chat if anything is unclear.

    • Evan
      3 years ago

      Is everything in open in the issue trackers open to being worked on? ie: is the tracker actively maintained (had some bad experiences with this)

      • @nutomicA
        13 years ago

        Generally yes, though sometimes we forget to update an issue. If you want to work on something, its best to mention that in a comment first.