So I’ve been trying to find a text editor that’s blazing fast with as little features as possible that doesn’t look like it was designed in the '90s.

I would like something that when I click on my files it opens almost instantly and only displays text in a notepad without any buttons tools, or just the bare minimum (like create a new file or something like that). I want this to read .txt files and that’s it, if I’m working on a writing I’d use LibreOffice and if I’m writing some code I’d use Atom.

  • flbn
    73 years ago

    if you’re feeling quirky and want to support a group of cool indie hackers, check out: left. obviously not the electron client lol

    • @jedrax
      2 years ago

      deleted by creator

    • ghost_laptopOP
      23 years ago

      Wow, this looks beautiful. Do you have any idea on how could I install this on an Ubuntu based distro?

      • flbn
        3 years ago

        totally. i haven’t used it myself but it looks like you have to:

        • install dependencies for ubutnu, clone the repo, and build the Uxn emulator (docs here).
          1. sudo apt install libsdl2-dev
          2. git clone
          3. cd uxn
          4. ./
        • install left, i think you can do it from source here, but their guide says to download from their itch store. you can get it for free, but i assume they link the project here so you can throw a couple bucks at them if you wanted to.
          1. go to their itch store and make sure to download the UXN variant.
          2. navigate to the folder where you want project files to be saved, and enter the following to launch the left.rom (the rom that will be emulated by UXN): ./path/to/uxnemu ~/roms/left.rom
          3. if you compile from source, instructions look a little different. you may have to build it first, by entering the following : uxnasm left.tal left.rom && uxnemu left.rom
        • ghost_laptopOP
          23 years ago

          Thanks a lot for this! From my understanding I’m emulating their little OS to use it, right? I’m sure this isn’t too bloated since all their works seem based on code minimalism, but wouldn’t it still be better to install it natively using the Linux binaries?

          Still, I followed your steps and it gives me this error when running ./

          user@user:~/uxn$ ./



          ./ 44: cc: not found

          • flbn
            13 years ago

            hmmm. i took a look at the repo. cc is in reference to the C Compiler command. to troubleshoot, i would create a helloworld.c or some other basic program and check if cc helloworld.c works correctly. hell, you could even just run it without making a file to see if you have it installed, but i would check to see if it works properly just in case. i’m not sure why you wouldn’t have cc, but your distro may not have included that package. if you don’t have it, you’re definitely going to want a C compiler or building from source will be pretty hard. here’s an askubuntu thread where someone had a similar question and the top response has a great approach.

            if you do happen to have it, then it looks like the other parts of the line are the troublesome parts… perhaps ${CFLAGS} is not passing the correct flags to the command, in which i would insert echo "${CFLAGS}" before line 44 to check if the flags match the default “-std=c89 -Wall -Wno-unknown-pragmas” flags.

            otherwise, something is wrong with the second half of the line: src/uxnasm.c -o bin/uxnasm. in this case, i would make sure that you have a src folder with a uxnasm.c file that isn’t fucked up. it should look like this. if that’s there, then the last thing i can think of is that line 25 (mkdir -p bin) is not making a bin folder and it’s throwing an error since that doesn’t exist.

            if none of that helps, i would reach out to the developers. it looks like you can reach them over IRC on #uxn at, on the product page on, or via email at hundredrabbits (at) gmail (dot) com. they seem to be responsive and if the product isn’t working on an ubuntu based distro, they’ll definitely want to know!

            • ghost_laptopOP
              3 years ago

              Okay, so after installing gcc I was able to continue, it installed some stuff and then displayed a piano thingy.

              Okay, so it installed these stuffs in this folder.

              But when I run ./home/user/bin/uxnemu ~/roms/left.rom it says bash: ./home/user/bin/uxnemu: No such file or directory. I also tried removing the /uxnemu part since it is not a directory but it still gives me the same error.

              Also I found this which maybe makes it easier to install under Linux without emulating uxn?

              Edit: So I followed the steps in that GitHub issue (if you think that installing it the other way is still the best way, I’ll do what you say) and I was able to run it with

              user@MS-7A15-4816cd32:/opt/left-linux-64$ ./Left

              But it gives me this error

              [16226:0911/] [.DisplayCompositor]GL ERROR :GL_INVALID_OPERATION : glBufferData: <- error from previous GL command

              And also the .desktop doesn’t show up for some reason, but I could manage to pin it on the dock I guess.

          • @jedrax
            2 years ago

            deleted by creator

        • flbn
          13 years ago

          please let me know how it goes! if all goes well i may have to try it out myself. i just finished ricing a fresh void install this morning and don’t really feel like adding any bloat this early on lolol