• Camarada Forte
    3 years ago

    The study you linked that, according to you, claims homosexual behavior is linked to pedophilia literally says otherwise in its abstract.

    This, of course, would not indicate that androphilic males have a greater propensity to offend against children.

    Besides, yes, I believe that human sexuality and sexual orientation cannot be explained only through genetics as well. That said, LGBTs have existed throughout human history, the impression that you have that it’s a recent phenomenon is that only recently Western culture has given attention to that question. The ancient Sumerian gala priests, the Thai kathoeys, the indigenous two-spirit, are some of many other historical examples of non-binary genders. Human experience simply cannot fit into just two clearly-defined genders.

    Imperialists have been using LGBT movements to advance their interests in socially conservative countries, including socialist ones, and the fact that they have been able to do it successfully reflects how this issue has been overlooked, and it’s a sign that this question should not be ignored by communists.

    When you mention how LGBT is in contrast with “proletarian ideology”, how do you picture “proletarians”? Do you picture them as a strong white cisgender male who works in industry? Because LGBTs are mostly proletarians as well.

    As communists we should fight each and every form of oppression. If you ignore oppression against LGBTs, you are not a materialist, because oppression against LGBTs is a concrete phenomenon. If you acknowledge the oppression, yet you echo the oppressors, why would you call yourself a communist?

    • Imperialists have been using LGBT movements to advance their interests in socially conservative countries, including socialist ones, and the fact that they have been able to do it successfully reflects how this issue has been overlooked, and it’s a sign that this question should not be ignored by communists.

      Imperialists co-opt anything that starts getting popular to a) prevent it from being used by revolutionaries and b) advance imperialism. It’s no wonder that various agencies (Swedish army, recently the CIA…) that used to punish people for being gay or trans now accept them and want to employ them. The system perpetuates itself but more than that, there’s a huge potential in recruiting these people; Emily Gorcenski (self-proclaimed trans anarchist who is proud of and defends having worked at Raytheon making Predator drones more effective) is one very incredible example. Now that the balance has shifted a bit, they can’t afford to ignore this untapped potential.

      To make tenuous links from this – and indeed apply marxism only when it explains their opinions – like OP is doing is bad faith arguing and vulgar science. I’m not gonna say it’s chauvinism cause it doesn’t apply there 100%, but it’s close to it.

    • @MoustacheMan@lemmygrad.ml
      -13 years ago

      As communists we should fight each and every form of oppression. If you ignore oppression against LGBTs, you are not a materialist, because oppression against LGBTs is a concrete phenomenon.

      They are not an exploited class. Exploitation has a very distinct marxist definition. They face some discrimination in society which is different and the same can be said of people with regional accents.

      They also hold overwhelming power in Western society and over the world in general to advance homonationalism. (ie. now the West has a mass culture bass to support material conditions for an LGBT culture it now folds the LGBT into the nation to advance the Wests foreign policy agenda against countries without that mass consumer culture who will never accept LGBT… Because they will never be wealthy enough to support the Mass consumer culture required for LGBT)

      Do you picture them as a strong white cisgender male who works in industry? Because LGBTs are mostly proletarians as well.

      Most working class LGBT people have more pressing concerns than the homonationalism advanced by neoliberalism and it’s army of NGOs which presents almost exclusively the neoliberal LGBT ideology that represents the downwardly mobile Professional Managerial Class.