Yes, I know there are a lot of good things about Odysee when compared to other platoforms like Youtube. But I don’t really like it because

  1. Odysee is really slow. Even the main page doesn’t load properly.
  2. Most of the videos are not transcoded, so the videos don’t buffer most of the time. Almost all videos are in HD.
  3. IMO Youtube and Peertube has a much better interface than odysee. Also, the mobile app is not that great.
  4. Not truly decentralized.
  • @null_radix
    53 years ago

    What parts are not decentralized? Besides the hosting of the front-end.

      • ZoëM
        33 years ago

        This confuses me because I believe the original uploader needs to have the files, but also once is uploaded on the blockchain is there forever??