As I’m moving more to use open source software I would like to start using Linux as my daily. I’ve used Ubuntu and Debian for work but nothing more. Do you have some good distro to recommend?

EDIT: Thanks everyone for the suggestions, they helped a lot

    • @Micalet
      34 years ago

      Default configurations are not distros. It seems that Manjaro now support full confinement snaps. This requires apparmor.

      AppArmor is maintained by Canonical, and present in all debian based distros, plus snap compliant ones.

      Critical security patches are not delayed If 2 weeks delay is a security a risk you can choose the testing repository, but you cannot be at the same time a risk for being too bleeding edge and a risk for 2 weeks

      Only arch based distros (or Manajro testing repo) would pass the always up to date barrier.

      So no Ubuntu Debian Fedora or SUSE baed distribution would pass that bar

      AppArmor is newer than SElinux and now is needed to use snaps

      What is unacceptable is to trash talk a distribution, that is doing things so well that others hate it so much because of that with half trues and lies.

      After Ubuntu is the one with more market share, and as Ubuntu has much more share than Debian, Manjaro has more market share than arch. Being both, Debian and Arch wonderful distros, but I do prefer Arch and Manjaro as I love AUR more than PPAs.

      • @ajz
        2 years ago

        deleted by creator

    • @ajz
      2 years ago

      deleted by creator

        • @ajz
          2 years ago

          deleted by creator