Many other guides dive deep into 10 plus pages of how to set up such a service with Dovecot, Postfix and a web server all from the command line, but this one is a lot simpler because most of what you need is inside Citadel. Citadel also has calendar, Contacts, Notes, Tasks and chat rooms so can be a good alternative to Google or other providers. Your only cost really is the Raspberry Pi and a domain name if you don’t already have one.

You could tweak this a bit further by using your own DNS provider (or alternative to Cloudflare) and considering an external hard drive connected to the Pi for reliability.


#technology #email #privacy #raspberrypi #alternativeto #opensource

    • @southerntofu
      13 years ago

      Do you think that a government (…) will be stopped by a software license?

      No certainly not. Though i’m happy if they don’t use my code, and even happier if governments disappear entirely.

      Thechnology is like any other tool, say, a hammer or a screwdriver.

      A hammer can be used to beat someone to death, but so could your bare hands. That’s just not what hammers are for, but it’s technically possible. A gun on the other hand, is designed explicitly to kill people and can not be used to build a shelf with. Technology is not neutral, it’s very political what it enables/prevents you to do.

      I will also insist that master is not racist. It’s not like only a single race was ever enslaved.

      Call it “slavist” or authoritarian if you prefer. It’s still a widespread mentality we need to get rid of. Although in the past 500 years (contrary to antique slavery) slavery has been very racialized, especially by Europe/USA when it comes to black people from Africa, but also in other countries with specific ethnic minorities. Whether the term is racist or not, i don’t care. What i care is it makes a metaphor that is dubious and makes people uncomfortable, so let’s just remove it and not argue anymore. In any case, we probably agree simply changing a word is not going to erase centuries of institutional racism.

      Surveillance should be illegal either way, we shouldn’t rely on software licenses to do that.

      Sure we agree on that. We need to dismantle all nation States and build autonomous communes so people can live free. How does that invalidate my argument that neonazis and other reactionaries are organizing worldwide to spread their ideology, even in the free-software world?