• Black AOC
    1 year ago

    negl I’d sooner wreck a movement than work with browns/actual goddamn fash. I literally do not care enough about this country of slavemasters to let us go backwards that way. I’d sooner see it burn.

    • SovereignState
      1 year ago

      kinda jokin, at least I hope I’m jokin about this possibility, but if all the settler MLs decide that Chairman Cheong is gonna lead us to Patriotic Socialism or whatever, you’ll find me right in the trenches w you comrade lol. Back to my MLM mindset in a heartbeat.

      the fash can pretend to be against empire, but they’re lying. and if they’re against “globalist” empire, they’re just gonna accelerate imperialism inward. nothing to gain, tons to lose - including the literal human lives of our comrades. I hope people take that seriously when lookin at RAWM and shit like it

      • Black AOC
        111 year ago

        I hope people take that seriously when lookin at RAWM and shit like it

        I hope, but I’m not planning for it.

      • @ihaveibs@lemmygrad.ml
        111 year ago

        I don’t see any MLs falling for this BS personally. The fundamental position of these types is that US empire good but only when it provides a standard of living like in the 1950s for white people. In their minds, the imperial project fell into the “wrong” hands (the deep state, (((globalists))) etc.) I know you probably won’t disagree, just throwing in my 2 cents.

        • SovereignState
          1 year ago

          For sure. Just a few reddit weirdos spring to mind. Some names pop into my head, but those users, although popular in their own cults of like-minded weak-willed limp-ass “Marxism”, have pretty much plateaued in their reach to niche Strasserite and adjacent circles. I lump the InfraRed crowd, much of stupidpol and 4chan-obsessed “leftists” in the same sphere of ideological influence.

          This will only be a real problem when it starts affecting real organizing rather than materializing as attempts to infiltrate Gab and convince Trumpites of communism or whatever. Still worrying I guess because we’ve seen that online nonsense can infect the minds of many and damage organizing, as we’ve seen with anarchism and Breadtuberism, whatever you wanna call it - ‘social liberalism’ rebranded as revolutionary. As long as the most popular and potent Marxist(-Leninist) formations in the country refuse to align with this silliness, I think the once-again burgeoning communist movement in the U.S. is in a relatively good position - as in, a position with potential.