• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
    21 year ago

    Once again I’m left wondering if you genuinely have poor reading comprehension or you’re just a troll. I already linked you an article showing how China is currently improving rice farming to make it resource intensive, this is an actual practical way to address problems the article you’re quoting from outlines. What The Economist proposes is nonsense with a whiff of racism. Not surprised that it’s the narrative that you find appealing though.

    • @pingvenoOP
      -21 year ago

      The Economist recommends switching to new methods and seeds, as I referred to in my summary. It’s tough for many farmers to risk doing so when a failed year from a new method or seed could leave them ruined. Hence why it recommends governments should help insure them during the transition especially. Yup, I didn’t quote every sentence. Sue me.