Really eye opening video.

  • @ttmrichter
    13 years ago

    Since 2001. My original flight to China was disrupted by a month because of all the shenanigans surrounding 9/11.

    • @rockroach
      13 years ago

      that’s a long time !! TIL: there are anarchists in china.

      • @ttmrichter
        13 years ago

        I wouldn’t call myself an anarchist. Nor a communist. Nor a capitalist. Nor a fascist.

        “Cynicist” is likely the best descriptor of my political views.

      • @MobocraticEgoist
        13 years ago

        There are lone anarchists in most countries I think, but in the face of political repression and without an anarchist movement it’s necessary to subtly insert oneself in other movements like art, literature, and less revolutionary political movements like everyday labor struggles.