Honestly, I would welcome anyone trying to help start the trend.

Like, seriously, I don’t know what story series or franchise to pick, but goddammit, how is “communist fanfiction” not a genre?

I mean, it’s much easier than writing or publishing a “real novel” (that’s also communist) so, like, why not?

It’s more achievable, at least.

  • That sounds fun, with all the talk of harry potter being liberal theory I may actually read the series just to deconstruct it and turn it into communist propaganda ha, if you make a discord server or a shared google docs or something I will join

    • relay
      31 year ago

      Just rewrite the basic parts of harry potter and change his name. make this “harry” become a class traitor because of his friendship with his middle class “ron” and how “Hormione” convinces them to liberate the “house elves” from slavery. They study the muggle works of Marx and Lennin and study the primary and secondary contradictions of the wizarding world and the muggle world and how their dialectial relationship shapes each other. Write “Azkaban” as the horrible place that it is in the terf’s novel but instead use the testemony of “Serius Black” as a way to inform how terrible azkaban is and how Angela Davis’s works on prison abolition as an alternative to the punitive punishments of sending people to “Azkaban”. Really “Azkaban” manages to be worse than most Muggle prizons so learning from the muggles would be helpful in reforming or grounds for revolutionary. Also, make avadakadavera not a spell, so that killing people with magic can happen in surreal creepy and horrifying ways, like “wingardium leviosa”. Make it cannon that “voldemort” was actually released from “azkaban” by the “Ministry of magic” in order to stop “Harry” and his friends from their revolutionary activities. the “ministry” “accidentally” keeps on releasing wizard fascists from prizon that all have an agenda of making “Harry’s” life miserable. Also have “Neville Longbottom” be a trans girl (to spite rowling) that got really good at making potions because she really wanted to keep her body as a female as long as possible, but she’s terrible with spells, so transfiguration is not the route that she took to keep a female form. Also put in the effort in worldbuilding that Rowling wanted to leave out.