Today in “you can’t make this shit up”

  • Geotechland
    83 years ago

    I don’t think people should be paying to see tweets. It should belong to the commons. I don’t mind seeing ads or paying for video content because that takes a lot of work.

    But, I would imagine that twitter will try to be more like youtube/tik tok/instagram so maybe it would make more sense then.

        53 years ago

        Yeah having no ads or a business model based on advertising is one of the greatest features of Mastodon, Lemmy etc. basically all free software has this advantage.

      • @someone
        3 years ago

        deleted by creator

      • Geotechland
        13 years ago

        I should clarify, I don’t mind seeing ads on youtube compared to twitter.

        But in general I prefer not to have ads and instead be entirely community funded/donations.

        The problem is, a lot of people don’t have money to spare especially these days.

        And, to be fair, this advertising model on youtube gave rise to new media which overall has been a good thing and an answer to cable news propaganda.

      • @throwaway96581
        03 years ago

        Bitcoin while there were still room in the blocks did solve that problem. Most people just didn’t and still don’t understand that. Just think of it as some kind of investment scheme or something used by criminals.