Wer sich öfter mit Corona infiziert, läuft offenbar Gefahr, an einer unheilbaren Immunschwäche zu erkranken. Darauf deuten laut Gesundheitsminister Lauterbach verschiedene Untersuchungen hin, die derzeit weiter erforscht werden. In der Folge würde das Risiko für chronische Krankheiten wie Demenz steigen.
Are we still doing vovid fearmongering? Its been three years now, I thought most people realized that the risk was completely exxagerated in order to create profits for pharma companies.
Are we still doing vovid fearmongering? Its been three years now, I thought most people realized that the risk was completely exxagerated in order to create profits for pharma companies.
More than 10 million people died and hundreds of milliond have long-term symptoms
Died with covid or of covid?
…where again did the virus come from? Was that cleared up yet?
Fort Detrick in burgerland. Covid is a burger bio weapon.
Wait until you find out how many people die from heart disease or cancer.
Communists in the west love big pharma