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  • DankZedong
    221 year ago

    So I have this course on diversity and when I tell people about it, they just laugh because they don’t take it seriously.

    But in my eyes it is an absolutely crucial course to have for everyone and it should be taught in elementary or high school.

    It really opens my eyes on how we as a society treat people that aren’t cishet white. And it also raises some very interesting discussion between class mates and professors.

    • @Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
      21 year ago

      Arguably people laugh it off because they instinctively know it’s libcringe. And even libs are allergic to libcringe

      • DankZedong
        241 year ago

        That’s the thing. It’s less libcringe that you’d image. It uses pretty radical examples. I think it’s because my professor is an Iranian woman that is pretty radical herself. She encourages us to advocate our Marxist viewpoints in class.

        • @Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
          21 year ago

          In short: not by themselves, but by the way the course is bound to present them. It’s like the difference between Marxist feminism and modern liberal feminism. Dig?

          • Catradora-Stalinism☭M
            61 year ago

            I sort of get this, because even in the countries who are “inclusive” they do it through a liberal lens. Its not a bad thing through and through, though (god I hate english) since it was only by efforts of the working class and our socialist ancestors that any of these things are done.

            • @Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
              81 year ago

              Different underlying philosophy. Diversity or feminism as espoused by liberal mainstream is metaphysical in nature. Things are what they are, and they do not change. Everything fits in these neat tiny boxes.

              Dialectic approach understands that things are subject to processes and change.

              I understand that on the surface my comment seems that I’m just going “yuck, diversity”. That is not the case.

              • Any liberal analysis is inevitably going to be much worse than a materialist one, but even a watered down, capitalism-friendly discussion about systemic exploitation (without mentioning economic class) is a good thing from my perspective, especially if it leads to better analysis later on. It’s probably easier to radicalize people who are already aware of structural oppression on the basis of race/gender/etc.

              • Ratette (she/her)
                41 year ago

                Okay cool thanks for the clarification 👍

                As in e.g. the waves of feminism going from first wave for the bourgeois, 2nd wave for the academics, third wave to include black and lesbian women and 4th(ish) to include all women. Feminism adapted to meet the needs and develop as a movement for equality in patriarchal society but this is rarely understood through a Liberal lens, that’s what we are referring to?