If you think it’s bad now, it’s gonna get worse in the coming years.

Reading and analysing what’s been happening around us for the past 10-20 years, it’s clear that we’re in a Nazi Germany situation. And when fascism will be here, we will ask “how did that happen?”

The future looks bleak.

  • Soviet Snake
    281 year ago

    My brother in Christ, fascism started with Usonian independence and it hasn’t stopped since. If anything we are beginning to see liberation by its collapse, happy decades are a-coming.

    • Lenin enjoyer🏳️‍⚧️
      1 year ago

      I’d like to say this is true, but without a doubt the Amerikkkan state is crumbling and its not going out with out a fight. Not to mention the increased support for fascism is the general psych of the public with support of Ukraine. Most importantly however, queer rights are on the decrease, trans rights are going down the drain, gay ones will be next, and after that wouldn’t be surprised if civil rights are next.

      (Note: This doesn’t mean im a doomer, if anything more people will become radicalized if they’re clearly on the chopping block, or care about helping those on it. Still just a note)

      • Soviet Snake
        1 year ago

        Maybe you live in the global North, but I am from Argentina and mostly no one thinks the shit in Ukraine is as the US and its leap dogs paint it, I have spoken with middle left, right and right and as long as they aren’t US bootlickers they think it is all US meddling as usual. Cuba just this year passed a reform of the constitution that adds a lot of rights for queer people, so I don’t know, in Argentina we achieved free abortion, maybe you are suffering from capitalist realism?

        • Lenin enjoyer🏳️‍⚧️
          1 year ago

          Yeah Im sorry I should’ve clarified a bit more I was talking about the US. Its just I kinda assumed were talking US here, because being honest, yeah the rest of the world is looking positive. So I suppose we should rename this post: The Eurocentric world is going to shit, everywhere else is looking mostly good lol.

      • @cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        Everything you say is true … For the imperial core. In the global south things are looking much more positive. Cuba, Vietnam, China have all been taking very positive steps lately with respect to LGBT rights. A good number of leftist (albeit only socdem) governments in Latin America have been pushing back against neoliberalism. The global south is asserting itself economically and breaking free from neo-colonial domination. Yes there are still some countries where the imperialists are able to cause trouble, to temporarily reverse progress with coups like the ones that have taken place in Pakistan and Peru. But a lot of countries that have been in the crosshairs of the US for regime change are proving to be more and more resilient to US hybrid war and color revolution attempts. Iran, Syria, Hong Kong, Kazakhstan, the empire has been taking a lot of L’s. And more will follow, some very big ones like losing the proxy war in Ukraine. Turkey, Saudi Arabia, India, all once solid US allies now drifting away from the imperialist camp. Most of the world does not buy into the west’s propaganda about the Ukraine conflict. Most of the world regularly denounces the US embargo on Cuba, and everyone but the Anglos (US, UK, CAN, AUS), the Zionist apartheid state and the Europeans voted with Russia in the resolution against the spread of Nazi ideology. You have to put things in perspective. Yes westerners are very brainwashed and very reactionary and only getting worse. But at the end of the day they are a clear minority of the world’s population.

        • @Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
          41 year ago

          But at the end of the day they are a clear minority of the world’s population.

          What about in terms of power projection?

          • @cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
            1 year ago

            The ability of the west to project power globally is waning at an accelerated rate as the global south develops economically and technologically. There are three components to power: economic, military and cultural. The latter two ultimately derive from the economic base. Without the global economic (and technological) dominance that the west has enjoyed up to now their power cannot be maintained. Every year the west makes up a smaller portion of the global economic pie. De-industrialized and sliding ever deeper into economic crisis the US is already overextended militarily. It still enjoys dominance in the media and cultural (hollywood, etc.) arenas for now, but that too will change, if somewhat slower. In a multipolar world a singular cultural hegemony cannot exist.

      • Most importantly however, queer rights are on the decrease, trans rights are going down the drain, gay ones will be next, and after that wouldn’t be surprised if civil rights are next.

        Makes me wonder, why the hell are these even happening? I thought people were aware why such rights were established in the first place? Or do they not teach that/have stopped teaching that in Western Academia?

        • In my experience I know all too much people who think the civil rights era, gay marriage, and trans care, all were established legally by just voooooooooooting hard. In a way the school system sets up people to not understand their rights so they can be taken easier.

          • In a way the school system sets up people to not understand their rights so they can be taken easier.

            What the fuck.

            And people have the gall to say “SyStEMic RAcISM IS NOT reAl!”

        • @Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
          161 year ago

          Makes me wonder, why the hell are these even happening?

          “Well we want to have cool happy jetpack spacefuture with trans rights, BUT THOSE EBIL COMMIE RUSSKIES AND CHINESE ARE PREVENTING IT AND WANT TO START NUCLEAR WAR TO TAKE AWAY OUR GAY MARRIAGE RIGHTS so we must pump more funds into the MIC and crush those filthy untermen- eeer I mean we must illuminate those who don’t share our values!”

          • the brain of your average lib