Again some people who carried LGBT flag were arrested during some football match as far as I know, I saw it on Telegram.

Also, again some laws on banning ‘‘LGBT pRoPaGaNdA’’ were signed by government and Putin I think, they won’t shut up about it. What is up with this?

  • Ratette (she/her)
    1 year ago

    It’s dogshit takes like this lurking on this site that is making me step away and engage considerably less if not entirely after this tbh.

    It makes me feel unsafe and uncomfortable to be around people who have such a immature and baseless hatred or dislike for me because my existence demands a level of self awareness and introspection from people like you.

    I’m done with having to see garbage like this from clown incels like you and the fact you got up votes for this comment betrays the other vile little reactionaries that lurk here.

    You’re a fucking communist, take your head out your arse, address your crypto-homophobia and grow a fucking brain.

    cfgaussian already said what needed to be said for the most part but let me articulate to you why your infantile vibe communist take will never pan out:

    If communism won, if the revolution was successful but lead by and internalised your garbage take then we’ve achieved not equality and communism for all working class with a true understand of their individual struggle and how we can build true equality but a patriarchal cis het communism. We’ve created another ruling class and subservient class.

    Communism is equality for all comrades. Yes there is reactionarism and ignorance we need time to reducate around but we need to build a revolution with intersectionality in mind to make sure we uplift everyone.

    If we went with your shit take, we’d have communism for cis het men. Not women, not queers, not trans and not other ethnicity people withing the nations communism was achieved.

    You’d create another class system, one where you sit in control with no respect or understanding for others and that sounds pretty damn lib to me.

    You say communism will fix queer rights but going off your comment if you lead the revolution you’d essentially ignore queer struggle and the specific issues we face in society (systemic homophobia, violence, discrimination, ignorance and toxicity from straights) and then just assume it would all disappear and sort itself out? Lmao how when even you can’t be arsed to do a bit of fucking homework.

    You’ve not educated anyone, you’ve not understood our struggle, you’ve not even tried to give a shit.

    No it will create a flawed patriarchal cis het communist regime for you, your cronies and nobody else.

    So if we revolte and now we are all communist, does that mean the inherent homophobia present in most countries across the globe will just vanish without education? Get a fucking grip.

    You’re erasing our struggle and the violence we go through because you can’t be arsed to give a shit and read a book and just assume because you’ve never physically hurt a gay person that everyone will somehow just stop being homophobic? If you hold these dogshit takes then you HAVE aided in hurting queer people by virtue of erasing their struggle and expecting them to find equality on their own against a majority of scum like you. How are we supposed to get people like you to understand if even the “communists” can’t be arsed to read and understand their own reactionary bs?

    Also it’s not about us pushing our sexuality out and making a big deal. I fucking hate this “I don’t mind gay people I just want it shoved down my throat” strawman homophobic shit stain take people like you seem to think is somehow legitimate.

    What gay person pushes it down your throat? Nobody. Nobody but niche Internet personalities and social media users remotely fits the narrative you’ve tried to justify and run with.

    You know what I as a trans and queer person has to deal with from clowns like you? Almost daily comments about my sexuality and how it’s something they don’t understand and therefore is aberrant, constant sexualisation and objectification of women, constant critiques and ignorance around who I am.

    Who’s pushing what on who here? Seems to me your forcing your cis het fragility on me most of the time.

    How ironic, that when I go out with straight people all I hear about is straight shit and the toxicity and sexism associated with your wacky toxic relationship dynamics yet here you are acting like gay people wanting to exist and asking you to respect our existence and what makes us different is somehow us forcing our sexuality onto people.

    Please grow as a person before your edge and stupidity cuts someone.

    • Catradora-Stalinism☭M
      81 year ago

      Its frankly depressing how random comrades you talk with for months turn out to be homophobic assholes. It seems those kinds of “comrades” still need purging.

      And as the de-facto manager of Catra I am giving the mantel of “angry rant god” to you. 👑

      • Ratette (she/her)
        1 year ago

        Fucking clown energy. There a bunch of fucking communists on here who need to go touch grass before they de-brain themselves with their own stupidity.

        I’m done, it’s fucking exhausting.

        “Uwu we can never stop explaining comrade”

        Balls to that, take your contextual factors and choke on it.

        My existence isn’t a debate and my rights aren’t a conversation “we can have”.

        Either you engage with reality or you conform to the same Liberal oppression and false space you claim to oppose.

        I’m not going to argue 2+2=4 when some reactionary has already convinced themselves it’s 5.


        Why are our rights a debate comrade? Why are our literal right to exist an after thought to those who claim to oppose inequality?!

        I’m sad and tired and it hurts and I just want to be happy for once 😔

        I’ll take that mantel 👑 because at this point all I do is fucking is log in, see crap, get triggered and rant.

        You’d think I was on lemmy sometimes. I want to help others grow but I’m not a wizard, I can’t make greenery out of toxic sand.


        • Catradora-Stalinism☭M
          51 year ago

          Why are our rights a debate comrade? Why are our literal right to exist an after thought to those who claim to oppose inequality?!

          Because they see it as a problem, as some sort of strange error. They for some reason can’t accept a reality where LGBTQ+ people exist. Also ignoring that we have always existed. Its insanity.

          The time for argument is indeed long over. You do not have to be pleasant with those like that.

          • Ratette (she/her)
            41 year ago

            🫂 yeah it’s like by virtue of characterising it as mental illness you erase a very real thing that’s just not a mental illness at all.

    • It’s dogshit takes like this lurking on this site that is making me step away and engage considerably less if not entirely after this tbh.

      I disagree. Realise that these moments are what trims the fat from this place. You need to become more resilient. There are 20 downvotes for the 3 upvotes there, so they got ratio’d.

        141 year ago

        i get your point but being resilient is hard enough when you already have to do that in daily life and then see this dumb shit in a communist space too. It’s tiring having to censor yourself all the time then finding out the one space you don’t feel like doing that has bigots hiding in plain sight too.

        • That I understand, but they also got pruned out of the community immediately. The thing is, it needs to be understood that this is part of the struggle. It is not just the trans community that faces it, its just a different flavour of bigotry. There are plenty people that have bad ideas in their heads, some have less of them, and beyond a point people refuse to learn (example the one that got banned).

          This is part of the struggle. This is why resilience is important. This is still a safe space, and I think its better if people mask off themselves like this.

      • Ratette (she/her)
        121 year ago

        I am resilient, I’ve tolerated way more than just this comment on here and I’ve got my own mental health to protect.

        What I thought was a safe space as a ML for me is sadly not and I don’t log in to here to then see people I share a community with slander women, feminism, queers, trans etc purely because of ignorance and edge. It’s tiring and exhausting.

        I came here to get away from reddit takes, not have to tolerate them from communists.

        And that user was only banned from genzedong, not the entire site so I’d argue that we only “trim the fat” when it’s anti-communism but when there’s transphobia, homophobia or sexism it tends to be a sub ban and I find that a bit shit tbh because those same problematic individuals are not “trimmed”.

        • And that user was only banned from genzedong, not the entire site

          That’s my bad, the buttons are very similar and I confuse them all the time 🤦

          I’ve updated the ban to sitewide.

        • Its unfortunate, and I think the takeaway from this is that we have a very long road ahead, before transphobia becomes a condemned thing across the entire scape. A really long road, just to put more emphasis. It is fucking atrocious that there are both kinds of people, those that are transphobes, and those that refuse to comprehend the coexistence of a trans culture in society. I mean, there are also TERFs.

          I am part of the minority within a minority, that are not just cool and acceptable, but friendly with trans people, while being a cis het male. It was almost a decade ago when I used to be like others, unable to comprehend this coexistence, and with this ignorant attitude, and it took a while.

          I know that it is a tough pill to swallow, but society progress bar is stuck at a low percentage. And most of internet is used by Westerners (reddit is 55% USA/Canada and 30% West EU), and you know the relationship of imperialism and normalisation of cis het gender/sexuality, so unless we develop a culture of non Western/ised internet spaces over atleast a couple decades, the effects of Westernisation will continue to exist.

          What you see as this banned poster, is merely the echoes of that West imperialist periphery mindset that exists in Lemmygrad like the rest of the internet. And then there is the problem of communist discourse itself being such a tiny blob compared to the liberal-conservative dichotomy (thanks Cold War), that uniting communists means the trans issue/agenda naturally takes a backseat.

      • @aworldtowin
        101 year ago

        Yeah I mean I can say from experience it was way, way worse on reddit when that American patriotism bullshit was at it’s peak. Any post shitting on American patriotism would have a 10-20% amount of downvotes and a load of comments from closeted right wingers who now unironically identify as "maga communists’.