I just got rid of my last Windows computer and switched to Linux full time. I’m forced to use Zoom to attend online lectures at my university and WOW is the Linux client for Zoom terrible compared to Windows. For one, it doesn’t have an option to have the gallery view above the screen share view, only beside it, which wastes screen space. It also forces itself into full screen mode whenever someone starts sharing their screen, AND when I switch it back to windowed mode, it’s not maximized even when it was before. It also launches a blank “join a meeting” window alongside the active meeting every time I click on a meeting from Canvas (my University’s course management system) or switch into a breakout group. Finally, for some reason it forcibly disables KDE’s power management modes whenever it’s active.

Screw you Zoom. Fix your shitty software on Linux!

  • @SirLotsaLocks
    23 years ago

    I haven’t used teams much on windows but the teams client isn’t that bad. It would be funny if microsoft had a better linux client for their meetings than zoom.

    • @sia
      3 years ago

      deleted by creator

    • @tgf
      3 years ago

      Last i tried it teams for linux had maximum 4 cameras at once (when it did work). Zoom has a clunky client but is otherwise solid. Teams has only been gaining ground because it comes bundled with office 365.