• anyone else anxiously thinking “what the fuck is going to happen this winter”? like seriously, something’s gotta give. it’s like watching the prequel to US collapse, all in slow motion.

    • @Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
      192 years ago

      This winter? I’m anxiously thinking what will happen next day over. So much shit is happening at the same time. And tbh USA collapse is one of the things I don’t expect soon.

      • @folaht@lemmygrad.ml
        2 years ago

        And tbh USA collapse is one of the things I don’t expect soon.

        Define soon.
        I say after 2023 and before 2030.

      • of course, i mean as the breaking point approaches it will get progressively worse and worse. regarding US collapse: me neither, but what’s happening in europe will probably in many ways mirror what could happen in a US collapse, this is what i mean by a prequel. wildly increasing cost of living and consumption, unrest, and a surge in both communism and fascist reaction to varying degrees.

        • @Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
          192 years ago

          What’s happening in Europe is happening specifically for the purpose of slowing down or abating US collapse. For a proper collapse there needs to be a crisis in leadership and military support of non-government forces (as was the case with Bolsheviks for example). I see neither in USA right now. Sure, the talking heads change, but the apparatus behind them stands solid. And military supports it, as do intelligence agencies

          • @KommandoGZD@lemmygrad.ml
            2 years ago

            What’s happening in Europe is happening specifically for the purpose of slowing down or abating US collapse

            100%. It’s imperialism, slowly losing its ability to plunder abroad, turning inwards and pushing what was always inevitable - the exploitation of Europe and everyone outside the most inner core of US empire.

            • @Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
              142 years ago

              And that’s what worries me - the Empire had survived by plunder for quite a while. I don’t think it’s reasonable to expect the current plunder to not prolong its life.

              I understand that it sounds defeatist, but I am merely urging against unnecessary optimism.

          • yeah i mean i agree with you given the situation as it stands now. the issue is what will happen when either it has no more “allies” to cannibalize or the world is thrown into a third world war. as it loses imperial domination and the cheap labor/materials from that, it will also lose its grip on its own national integrity. again, i’m not saying collapse is going to happen tomorrow, i’m saying that whenever it does, it may look very similar to what might happen in europe this winter and in that sense i see europe as a prequel.