• Kaffe
    192 years ago

    It’s gonna take a lot of work. The biggest barrier is the dual oppression system of White Supremacy and Patriarchy. Anti-racism and anti-sexism are picking up steam and the Capitalist dictatorship has picked two opposing sides to the issues. They’ve been forced into this contradiction by the class consciousness of our comrades in the 60s. Through Neoliberalism, the inherent value of whiteness and masculinity has been on a downward slide. White people are becoming poorer as land in this country is increasingly saturated, and men are becoming less powerful as especially white women are being proletarianized (women of color have already been proletarianized).

    I think we should take note of movements in Latin America as the model for how we in a settler society can build movements with our indigenous neighbors. We need a solid plan on how to assist in the rebuilding of indigenous nations, through an explicit multi-national state. For that we can’t just waltz in as white saviors (I’m not white, but you know what mean). We need to have dialogue with them and assist each other where we have common struggle.

    I have more to say but I’d rather think on it. For sure the triple threat of white supremacy, patriarchy, and the oppression of indigenous nations (and the coinciding colonial mindset) are the main contradictions in American society. We will never achieve anything until we all understand the history for how we got here.