• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
    22 years ago

    In what way is it circular to cite international law, and how exactly does this not reflect the reality on the ground for the past 70 years?

    • @pingveno
      -32 years ago

      It is circular in that international law is that way only because China has muscled its way into making it that way. It’s not that way because there’s a basis in reality.

      • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
        52 years ago

        If anything, the fact that Taiwan acts as if its indepedent is US muscling its way into China as opposed to other way around. This would be akin to China pouring billions into Hawaii, Puerto Rico, or Texas for the past 70s years and fostering separatism there. This is an unprecedented level of interference in the affairs of another country. That’s the basis for reality here.

        • @pingveno
          -22 years ago

          Oh, BTW with Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and Texas. Hawaii and Texas have no credible succession movements. China is welcome to waste billions. Puerto Rico is in the process of figuring out for itself what its status will be. If it chooses independence, it sounds like the US will respect that.

          • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
            52 years ago

            You keep framing this as if it’s just between people in mainland China and Taiwan with no external factors involved. This is a false narrative that ignores the elephant in the room. US spends huge amounts of money influencing politics in other countries. If China or Russia spend comparable sums then they too could easily create secessionist movements in US. You get that right?

          • @Democracy
            12 years ago

            I was with you until you showed you’re just as biased as the other side in this thread.

            US embargoed Cuba for not bending over. You think they will let go of Puerto Rico without dismantling their livelihoods and ruining their reputation one way or the other? That alone is going to sway public opinions out of fear. And US has been invading other countries without any basis for decades. You seem to forget all that.

            Would you even see any credible secession movement if they control media the world over?

            I don’t think Taiwan is part of China but you took the US propaganda wholesale.

        • @pingveno
          2 years ago

          So you don’t respect the views of the Taiwanese people? They are not allowed to think for themselves?

          • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
            92 years ago

            That’s a good question, why does US not let Taiwanese people think for themselves and spends billions on shaping public opinion there?

            • @pingveno
              -32 years ago

              What billions to shape public opinion? Or are you referring to military aid, which has nothing to do with public opinion.

              • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
                62 years ago

                Military aid, political aid, media campaigns, and so on. NED is literally an arm of US government engaged in regime change operations around the globe.

                • @pingveno
                  -32 years ago

                  Ah yes the billions poured into Taiwan by NED. Now let’s see, that’s $461,785 in grants that include Taiwan somehow, then divide it by the population of Taiwan to get two pennies per person. I bet that’s really going to move public opinion.

                  • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
                    62 years ago

                    US has been propping up separatists and shaping opinion in Taiwan since the end of WW2. There certainly have been billions poured into this project over the past 70s years. The fact that you can’t even bring yourself to acknowledge this simple fact makes any meaningful discussion on the topic impossible.

                    Why do you think US is spending all that effort on an island half way across the world from it. Do you seriously believe it’s because US regime cares about wellbeing of the people there when it doesn’t even give a shit about its own populace?

          • @guojing
            32 years ago

            You are not Taiwanese, so you dont deserve any judgement on this matter.

            • @pingveno
              22 years ago

              I agree. I respect their opinion and their opinion alone.