This plus amnesty int’l (an imperial NGO) turning on Zelensky makes me think we are nearing a turning point in Ukraine.

        2 years ago

        I wonder how this will shake out? Most Americans are incapable of critical thinking, but you think blowing through several billion in a few months for a failed proxy war would raise some alarms.

        • @aworldtowin
          82 years ago

          Yeah, the issue is that in the US people have the memory of a burning log. People will be upset, state dept will go on about how it’s totally necessary for democracy, then after Ukraine loses they’ll use that to boost military spending further and people will forget after 1 election cycle. It’s honestly brilliant the way these same ruling class ghouls can wipe their hands clean of all responsibility every 4-8 years.

          52 years ago

          You underestimate how bloodthirsty many of the people here are. And how little empathy we show to the poor (it’s more like downright contempt and hatred). Foreign wars are also like entertainment for many people here.