Just a painfully true meme for the start.

  • Ephera
    63 years ago

    Yeah, I can’t stand fanboyism for big game studios. Sure, maybe some of them are less terrible than EA, but that doesn’t mean they deserve admiration or trust.

    If you want that, go support some indie devs. Or play open-source games, where everyone involved in the development is doing it for the fun of it.

    • @Rainer_ProvokateurOPM
      33 years ago

      I’d argue that pirating them is ethical as well. :person shrugging: While gaming certainly is escapism we can see the same mechanics working as e.g. in Football with people rooting behind their – perceived – team; an alienation within class structure and struggle. As creatives in the industry are underpaid, underappreciated and massively exploited I feel it’s a fair response.

      • SnowCode
        43 years ago

        Finally a community that will not take me for a terrorist for cracking MC. Every time you used the word “cracked” on Reddit, forums or Discord, you’re doomed.

        • @Titilonic
          13 years ago

          Interesting, I mean I already knew of Reddit bots/mods being all too quick to ban things but I’ll have to try writing it to mess with them in the future.

          • SnowCode
            23 years ago

            I never got problems with bots, I got problems with people :p

    • @Titilonic
      13 years ago

      Me neither, but the Games left a strong impression so we get the cult followings. The Companies don’t even bother to make good games, it’s the rule of least effort for highest profit. Of course this also applies to other areas (like Cinema).

      Indie Dev’s start alright but I wonder if they wouldn’t fall in line or sell-out (Minecraft) after having enormous success.