Just a painfully true meme for the start.

  • @Rainer_ProvokateurOPM
    33 years ago

    I’d argue that pirating them is ethical as well. :person shrugging: While gaming certainly is escapism we can see the same mechanics working as e.g. in Football with people rooting behind their – perceived – team; an alienation within class structure and struggle. As creatives in the industry are underpaid, underappreciated and massively exploited I feel it’s a fair response.

    • SnowCode
      43 years ago

      Finally a community that will not take me for a terrorist for cracking MC. Every time you used the word “cracked” on Reddit, forums or Discord, you’re doomed.

      • @Titilonic
        13 years ago

        Interesting, I mean I already knew of Reddit bots/mods being all too quick to ban things but I’ll have to try writing it to mess with them in the future.

        • SnowCode
          23 years ago

          I never got problems with bots, I got problems with people :p