• Bilb!
    92 years ago

    I accidentally just became a landlord. I was just given partial ownership of a rental property and I am not sure what to do, lol.

      • @mylifeforaiur@lemmygrad.ml
        62 years ago

        Probably best to sell it. If op tries to give it away, the other owners will just steal his capital and keep the rental going. Forcing a sale could put the property on the market where an owner/occupant would have a chance to buy it.

    • @bleepingblorp@lemmygrad.ml
      42 years ago

      Perhaps give your portion to the renters? Or if it is a collection of tenants begin consulting with housing coops to maybe transfer ownership to the tenants? Or if neither of those are feasible, at least refund your portion of the income back to the tenants?

    • @frippa
      42 years ago

      Techically my mom’s a landlord too bcs my grandma bought 2 apartments when they were dirt cheap and now we rent them bc the medical expenses for my grandma are enormous, I think renting an allartment or two (provided you ain’t an ass hole) isn’t as bad as being a landlord, and often proletarians that own houses are forced to rent parts of it to make ends meet