what being rich does to a mf

  • Sr Estegosaurio
    102 years ago

    How tf can you dislike the taste of water when it does not even taste??

    • @Stoned_Ape
      142 years ago

      I think water tastes awesome. Different waters can have a really different taste.

      • Lien Rag
        62 years ago

        @Stoned_Ape @SrEstegosaurio

        Actually if you tried distilled water, it tastes awful.
        So taste of “waters” (which indeed can be excellent) is the taste of what in them is not water.

        • Marxism-Fennekinism
          2 years ago

          Correct. It’s mostly the dissolved minerals that give water its flavour. For tap water, the disinfection chemicals (namely chlorine) also contribute to the taste, with some people saying they associate it with being refreshing while other people claiming it to have an off taste (either way the tiny amount of chlorine is perfectly safe in case anyone is worried).