















  1. What do you intend to play next?

  2. Any times where you went through “gaming hiatuses”?

That’s all.

My answers are The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD and, yes, I’ve been through a long 8-year gaming hiatus until a year ago.

  • Anarcho-BolshevikM
    62 years ago

    Yesterweek I returned to Fallout 2 for the first time in several years, patched it, and it almost became an addiction for me. I started another playthrough recently, but I’m slower to attend to it because I’m getting a little burnt out.

    I tried Ultima IV yesternight for several minutes, but couldn’t get into it. The interface and controls were too clunky for me, and I wasn’t interested enough in the world or the story to commit to them.

    I’m unsure what I’ll play next. Unlikely to be anything current‐gen, though, given my office‐grade computer.