Is anyone else getting increasingly annoyed at the fact that half the posts to Genzedong, British Communism, etc are screenshots of anticommunists spouting nonsense? I get that the person posting is communist and they’re calling out those screenshots as BS, so it’s not technically anticommunist propaganda in itself but a showcase of anticommunist propaganda, but it’s still annoying when I’m trying to see communist content in a community marked as “communist content only” and get hit with literal Nazis justifying fascism, especially when there are dedicated communities for all kinds of anticommunist nonsense: ShitLiberalsSay, ShitFascistsSay, ShitAnarchistsSay, etc.

  • Camarada Forte
    282 years ago

    I agree it’s better to stick that content in these communities you mentioned, as that’s exactly they are for, and that’s exactly the content that it’s expected from them. If we have a specific community for that content, why not put it there, right?

    • Marxism-FennekinismOP
      152 years ago

      Exactly, content categorisation is the whole point of Reddit-like platforms!

      • KiG V2
        162 years ago

        My only knock against this is that Lemmygrad doesn’t feel like it has enough membership to be able to split off in too many different directions. Maybe one dedicated anticommunist sub but not three IMO

          • @TheConquestOfBed
            152 years ago

            I’d imagine they’re roughly the same size, but lemmygrad people are more involved in discussion. Any thread with lemmygrad users in it explodes in comment count.

          • KiG V2
            2 years ago

            I think I’m just going off of the OG GenZedong reddit traffic IIRC

    • loathesome dongeater
      122 years ago

      Hexbear have a community called the_dunk_tank where posts like these usually go. I think we should have a community like that too if people want to post people being dumb or malicious on social media.