Now that LXQt is a thing, is LXDE officially abandoned as a desktop environment? I personally like GTK more than Qt, and LXDE is also lighter on resources, especially since most Linux apps are GTK, which LXQt would have to use memory to load the libraries for. Is there any chance that LXDE could continue to get support? Otherwise, how likely is it that it would be forked and continue to be developed for like Unity was?

Failing all those, are there any actively developed desktop environments that use GTK and are as lightweight as LXDE?

  • @knock
    3 years ago

    deleted by creator

    • SeerLite
      13 years ago

      I tried XFCE on my old laptop and it just was too slow for everything. Opening anything (even menus) took more than 10 seconds (keep in mind this is a really old laptop). LXDE worked a lot better, I even got surprised at how snappy it was compared to it. This was on Arch, so minimal just like you said.

      I’m just saying, LXDE still has its place with really old hardware where resource usage is critical, and can’t be fully replaced with XFCE in all cases (but I do agree XFCE works fine on newer stuff).