Let the ridicule of anti-indigenous settlerism commence.

    • @CountryBreakfast@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      if the israelli workers are getting anything from the colonization of palestine, they will not after the colonisation is complete

      The colonization of these settler colonies you are talking about has never been completed. To assert so is erasure of Indigenous people. Furthermore, when colonial spoils slow down there certainly is qualitative change, but to say that because there is no Homestead Act of 2023 on the horizon spells the end of colonial spoils is being willfully ignorant of how colonialism and imperialism function. Hell, Israel is occupying more than just Palestine even right now and the US extracts rent from practically every human civilization. Capitalism isnt sustainabile, but that doesn’t mean it cant find new places to super exploit, or it cant drum up a new round of violence directed toward the colonized.

      Just like nowadays on capitalistic post colonies, like the US, Canadá, Brasil, and other examples of capitalistic ex colonies, the worker classes are still being explored even when they are the “settler” because they dont own no means of production, the stolen land?

      Exploitation does not simply purify counter revolutionary tendencies that exist within a portion of the working class due to there better global class position. Also comparing the Canadian and US working class to Brazil is disingenuous if not laughable. Also, a declining state doesn’t always signify exploitation either. Workers in the global north are basically not exploited of their surplus value in any way comparable to the global south.

      it does not take a genious to see that the burgeoise giving stolen land to israellis is just burgeoise apeasing

      You say it’s merely appeasement as if workers are being drugged into some kind of colonial stupor. I say it fundamentally impacts their position in a global class system.