Instructions for running your own lemmy instance.

For the moment, is using an explicit allowlist for instances we federate with. If you currently run an instance, and would like to be added to

  • Let us know either on !lemmy_instances, or commenting here.
  • We’ll add you to our allowlist.
  • Add this block to your server’s lemmy.hjson config (for open federation):
federation: {
  enabled: true
  tls_enabled: true
  # allowed_instances:,other_instance.tld,... uncomment this to use an allowlist
  • Type ! into your server’s search box, and subscribe to it to connect the two instances.
  • @nutomicMA
    53 years ago

    The search is only local, but you can search the URL of a remote post/comment/user/community, and it will fetch that.

    • Helix
      13 years ago

      does that still work? If so, how? Just entering it into the search box doesn’t seem to work (anymore) for me.

      • @nutomicMA
        13 years ago

        Yes, if its not working then either that instance is not on the allowlist of your instance, or the remote instance is misconfigured.