• @SloppilyFloss
    53 years ago

    I never understood this obsession with lab-grown meat to be honest. We already have plant-based meats that taste good enough, so I’m just not sure why people are waiting around to eat artificially created animal carcass.

    However, I do wonder what the meat industry will do if lab-grown meat ever gets to be a mainstream option. Will they fight against it like the dairy industry does to the plant milk industry?

    • @RumblestiltskinOP
      53 years ago

      Real meat still tastes better to a lot of people than plant based meats. If this lab-grown meat can compare to real meat then it will find it’s market with those that like the taste of real meat.

      • DessalinesA
        33 years ago

        That’s predictable but still hilarious. Trying to control what can get called a burger lol.