Is it important to you that your significant other is a communist?

    212 years ago

    Mine isn’t, but she is also from, and still a citizen of, a nation that actively and openly imprisons and kills Marxists. As in, her nation massacred half a city over it. So I understand her hesitation in reading theory or what have you. So she is a liberal.

    That said, she is at least not a bigot, did LGBTQ+ activism, marched in solidarity with unions in her country even though we got hit with fire hoses filled with military grade pepper spray, that sort of thing. She also said to me multiple times that we (Amerikkkans) need a revolution.

    So while she hasn’t been able to completely shake off her feelings in favor of Capitalism, her heart is in the right place. And she’s supportive of me and my growing personal praxis with the IWW, and even came along with me sometimes when I was looking for a Communist Party to join (it was unsuccessful, still searching).

    • Amicese
      1 year ago

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