In the federated future, anyone in the Fediverse will be able to subscribe to a Lemmy entity (a user, a community etc.) from outside Lemmy. Can anyone explain which entities will be available to subscribe, and how it will look like for others?

Subscribing to a community - does it mean that there is an account such as, that will show all posts in the community (I guess in chronological order)? In which way federated posts will contain the info on the post’s author? How comments to a post will be federated?

Subscribing to a user - does it mean subscribing to self-posts only, or to all posts/comments of that user?

  • @AgreeableLandscape
    14 years ago

    A shorter option would be or use a hashtag for communities and @ for users, like and

    • @nutomicA
      24 years ago

      I dont know if the thing with subdomains is even possible. But in the end this is just a UX question, and can be handled differently by different software. So Lemmy might show communities somehow similar to Reddit, eg, whereas Mastodon would use !

      • @appa
        14 years ago

        My bad, I assumed thay it would be up to Lemmy to figure out how to create an api that mastadon could work with. I have no idea what the ActivityPub stuff actually looks like or entails.

        • @nutomicA
          14 years ago

          Its more complicated than that. ActivityPub is called a standard, but there are a lot of ways to do the same thing in Activitypub, which means two implementations could be completely incompatible. Anyway we will focus on federation between Lemmy instances first, and federation with other software later.